My Shadow Work Topics and Areas List

Hello there,

Recently I’ve started a journal where I can do Shadow Work. At a later time after I have done this for a while, I will write about my process and journey with shadow work, but for now I will share some thoughts on it and the list I created for myself. Here is one site that explains shadow work so you familiarize yourself with it if this is a new subject for you.

My two favourite people that approach the subject of shadow work among other subjects of their teachings, are Kelly-Ann Maddox and Teal Swan.  In the image below I have shared the first pages from my Shadow Work Journal. As you can see, on one side I have written a quote by Kelly-Ann, and on the other side of the page I have written the 25 Heavy – Duty Shadow Work Journal Prompts from her article. On the next page, not shown in the image I have my own list of shadow work areas and related topics I want to tackle. The list will be shared below.

My shadow work list is a personal one formed of topics that suit me personally as shadow work worthy topics, and I have been adding to it for the last few weeks. I have not started heavily with my shadow work yet, even though I have purchased the amazing 29 Shadows – shadow work video bundle – from Kelly-Ann Maddox. I have to admit I was not ready at the beginning of the year when I purchased it, but I am now, and this is why I am collecting multiple resources, having a journal for it, and even sharing about it here on the blog. And my journey will start, scratch that, has actually started already with the collection of the subjects and areas of life that I want to look at while doing shadow work. The list below, is continually compiled as I go through my daily life, as I listen to other people, as I listen to myself, as I read my books, as I watch YouTube videos, and as I read articles. My list is not done by far, and I know that I will keep adding to it as shadow work worthy topics will be revealed in my life. This is a life long journey and I am happy that I have the courage to start it and share some of it with you.

Without further ado…….


  1. Sexual abuse
  2. Powerlessness
  3. Fears
  4. Anger
  5. Behaviour and attitudes towards others
  6. Envy
  7. Not taking responsibility for my life
  8. Things I don’t like
  9. People I don’t like
  10. Death (dead people in my life)
  11. Food
  12. Things I’m avoiding
  13. Parents (mine and others)
  14. Frustrations
  15. Manipulations
  16. Needs (met and unmet)
  17. Relationship
  18. Core beliefs
  19. Things I resist
  20. Patterns
  21. Thoughts that resist source energy flow
  22. Emotions
  23. Place of work, volunteer
  24. Spirituality as a coping mechanism
  25. Religion
  26. Love
  27. Judgements (self and others)
  28. Codependence
  29. Abandonment
  30. Ailments and illness
  31. Hate
  32. Rules
  33. Should
  34. Money and abundance
  35. Karma
  36. Helplessness, learned helplessness
  37. Need to control
  38. Mother
  39. Father
  40. Sister
  41. All or nothing mentality
  42. Fear to surrender
  43. Comparisons
  44. Competition
  45. Spiritual bypassing
  46. Ego
  47. Spirituality
  48. Things I ignore
  49. Wanting things to be a certain way
  50. Male, masculinity
  51. Female, femininity
  52. Sexuality
  53. Impatience
  54. Death in general
  55. Law of attraction
  56. Responsibility for my childhood experiences
  57. Responsibility for my teen-hood experiences
  58. Familial wounds
  59. Abuse (emotional, physical)
  60. Victimhood
  61. Perpetrator
  62. Invalidating emotions (nine and others)
  63. Guilt (not being Vegan and others)
  64. Partners
  65. Friends

I hope you find some of these topics to your liking to start your Shadow Work Journey!

Much love!


    1. Thank you very much! It does take courage, and a couple of years ago I could not even hear the word shadow without having fear and anxiety attached to it. It started with having the courage to even learn what shadow work means, and when I was ready, like now to go for it. Many blessings!


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